Presented newsreel
If you're feeling a little bit ambitious, but would still like to stick to a framework, this is a great option! This can work really well as a group project too - with each member taking a scene each.
◆ Decide on your topics: These can be quite easy to decide e.g. interesting buildings / famous residents / favourite view / street-name stories.
◆ Storyboard: Plan what you'll need to film. Remember to check Adobe Stock if there's any high-quality clips that work in your scenes
◆ Scripting: You'll need a good idea of what you need to say when you're on camera. Keep it short and simple, otherwise you're going to need a lot of takes to get it right!
◆ Production value: When filming - use a tripod if at all possible. It will make a HUGE difference to your production value. On this point, stay as close as possible to the camera if you're speaking - the sound quality will be much better.
◆ Voiceover: Not everything needs to be presented on-camera. Mixing in voiceovers will make your project more interesting.
◆ Photo> Wobbly Video: Although video clips are usually best, a simple photo is far more professional than a really wobbly video. Not sure how it's going to turn out? Take both, and decide during the edit.
◆ Sign off in style: Think carefully about how you're going to finish the project - don't leave the audience hanging on a random fact without at least saying goodbye!
If you'd like to try a newsreel, go for it - they're a lot of fun, especially if you're in a group! But remember, don't even think about going out filming without a solid plan in place.